Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I chose this picture to serve as a cover for the Greek Unit because it depicts all the ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses. The Greek Gods and Goddesses were extremely important to the citizens of Ancient Greece. They influenced virtually every aspect of their lives. The Greek Gods and Goddesses played a pivotal role for life in Ancietn Greece.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Sparta and Athens were similar in many ways but had a few main differences. The way they were most similar was in their form of government. Both had a government whose members were elected by the people, called an assembly. However, Sparta was ruled by two kings who ruled untile they died, while Athens was ruled by archons who were elected annually. Athens is said to be the birthplace of democracy. One of the main differences in Athens and Sparta was the way they got along with the rest of the Greeks. Sparta was content to keep to itself, while Athens wanted to expand and conquer and control more land. This eventually led to  the Peloponnesian War.

I would want to live in Athens. Life in Sparta was simple but focused mainly on obedience and war. Girls in Sparta were trained to be mothers of warriors. Athens on the other hand was much more creative. In Athens you could get a good education and pursue any of several kinds of arts or sciences.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


1.In 1900, archaeologists found evidence of the Minoan civilization, the earliest Greek civilization.
2.Minoan artists carved beautiful figures from bronze, gold, ivory, and silver, and painted frescoes, paintings made on wet plaster, on palace walls.
3.The Minoan civilization was named after the legendary king of Crete, King Minos, who had his palace in the city of Knossos.
4.Some historians believe that the Minoan civilization weakened when many coastal settlements on Crete were destroyed by tidal waves.
5.The Mycenaeans were a warring people, organized into groups or clans, who conquered the Minoans in central Crete.
6.Places where it was believed gods spoke through mortals were oracles.
7.Government in which citizens take part is democracy.
8.Rule by the Best- Aristocracy.
9.Blind poet who gathered oral poetry into two great epic poems- Homer.
10.Traditional stories about gods, goddesses, and heroes- myths.
11.While Athens was known for its laws and governmnet, Sparta was known for the physical strength and discipline of its people.
12.People the Spartans conquered were forced to work for them and were called helots.
13.The government officials made sure that the kings stayed within the law were called ephors.
14.Along with reading and writing, military training formed the basis of a young boy's education.
15.Draco is believed to have created Athen's first written law code around 621 B.C.
16.Agriculture was not the mainstay of Athen's economy.
17. Leveling does not mean carving small, flat plots of land from hillsides.
18.Athenian women were citizens, but could not vote, nor could they own or inherit property.
19.The main purpose of marriage was to have children.
20.Most Athenians did not believe that money should be spent on private homes, and not public buildings.
21.Athenian leader who tricked Xerxes and destroyed most of the Persian fleet was Themistocles.
22.Home of the Greek alliance's treasury before it was moved to Athens by Pericles was Delos.
23.The greatest Greek statesman was Pericles.
24.Destructive conflicts that weakened Greece was the Persican Wars.
25.Persian who defeated Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae was Xerxes.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Post #3: Timelines

POST 3 - Timeline Number two would make a better addition to our textbook. Number two goes in depth in its details. It has many more points on the timeline. Timeline 2 spans almost 5,000 years while number one barely covers 4,000. Timeline 2 supplies much more information that number 1.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Post #11- My Question

The question I would most like answered about the ancient Egyptians is: what did the ancient Egyptians consider taboo and/or what were social rules that were upheld? I find these questions intruiging because I want to know what the Egyptians thought was taboo and how my findings compare to today. Iwill organize my findings in a powerpoint that uses many visuals.