Thursday, February 24, 2011

Post #10: Cyrus, Darius, or Zoroaster

POST 10 -  Darius was the most influential leader because he was just and extremely respected.  Even people from other cultures thought that Darius was an awesome leader. Darius did many things for the persian empire. He made a canal that made commerce much easier. He also made a highway that did the same thing. Darius's ingenious idea to use boats to make a bridge that connected Asia Minor to Greece showed that his ideas were far beyond his time. Darius was just to other cultures that he took over and did not enslave other people. Daruis was the best leader.

Post #9: Question 4

POST 9 -

Post #7: My Code

POST 7 - Write your own code in the style of Hammurabi for Northern HS.  Must include at least 12 laws.

1. Any student caught cheating will have their papers ripped up.
2. Any student caught bullying will have the bullying they did inflicted on themselves.
3. Any student caught stealing from the cafeteria will have to eat off the floor for 2 weeks.
4. Any student caught lying will have to right out their lie on a chaldboard 1,000 times.
5. Any student caught stealing from another student will have to return the stolen item and be that studen'ts slave for a week.
6. Any student caught cutting class will have to clean the entire school.
7. Any teacher caught having innapropriate relations with a student will be shunned from the school and have to live on their own in a desert.
8. Any innapropriate language used by a student will result in that student having to read the dictionary.
9. Any use of weapons in the school will result in the person bringing the weapon in to use the weapon on themselves.
10. Any innapropriate use of the school's supplies will result in the person having to buy 10 of whatever was used.
11. Student who are mean will be stoned.
12. Teachers who are boring will be stoned.

Post #8: Award

The Most Important Invention award will be awarded to cunieform for being the most influential and important invention of the early Fertile Crescent Empires.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Post #6: Hammurabi's Code

1.If any one be too lazy to keep his dam in proper condition, and does not so keep it; if then the dam break and all the fields be flooded, then shall he in whose dam the break occurred be sold for money, and the money shall replace the corn which he has caused to be ruined.

It was the original person's fault that the crops of others were ruined, so he should have to compensate them.

2.If any one steal the minor son of another, he shall be put to death.

Kidnapping is bad and kidnappers should be punished.

3.If persons are stolen, then shall the community and . . . pay one mina of silver to their relatives.

The community should help the families of those who are kidnapped.
4.If fire break out in a house, and some one who comes to put it out cast his eye upon the property of the owner of the house, and take the property of the master of the house, he shall be thrown into that self-same fire.

A peson whose house is on fire already has enough to deal with and shouldn't have to worry about a thief.  The thief should be punished.

5.   If a man violate the wife (betrothed or child-wife) of another man, who has never known a man, and still lives in her father's house, and sleep with her and be surprised, this man shall be put to death, but the wife is blameless.

Rape is very bad and rapists should be punished.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Post #5: Mesopotamia is the Best!!!!!

Dear Travel Agent,

How dare you try and say that there is a better place to live than the Fertile Crescent!! Mesopotamia is the best!!! The irrigation system here cannot be matched due to the Tigris and Euphraties rivers. Our education and religious beliefs are very advanced. Our system of writing, known as cuneiform, came about here and is far superior to anything anywhere else. The Indus River Valley is no match to the "Cradle of Civilization".

Post #4: Indus River Valley

Dear Sumerians,

The Mesopotamian river valley is nice, however there are much better places to live.  Come to the Indus River Valley, located in between the Indus River and tha Arabiain Sea, the Indus River Valley is the optimal place for crops. You can grow all sorts of crops here, such as, wheat, barley, cotton, and rice, among many others. The agriculture thrives here from the irrigation due to the nearby bodies of water. Another spectacular aspect of the Indus River Valley is that it is surrounded by mountains making it very easy to protect and keep out enemies. Come to the Indus River Valley, you won't regret. it!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Post #2- 15 Facts

1. The Sumerian civilization arose in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley.
2. The strip of fertile land that begins at the Isthmus of Suez and arcs through Southwest Asia to the Persian Gulf is called the Fertile Crescent.
3. Sumerian writing, today called cuneiform, was made by pressing a stylus into clay tablets.
4. The Sumerians may have invented the arch, a curved structure over an opening.
5. Sumerian temples, called ziggurats, were made of baked brick placed in layers and looked like a wedding.

6. Assyrians- The first to use cavalry- soldiers on horseback.
7. Code of Hammurabi- Collection of Babylonian laws which dealt with all aspects of life.
8. Nebuchadnezzar- His hanging gardens were one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
9. Akkadians- Mesopotamian people who attacked and conquered the Sumerians.
10. Hittites- One of the first people to smelt iron.
11.The present-day regions of Israel, Lebanon, and Syria were once called Phoenicia.
12. Phoenicia consisted of a loose confederation of city-states, each governed by a different king.
13. The Phoenicians invented the art of glass-blowing, and the city of Sidon became the well-known home of this industry.
14. Phoenicians also collected shellfish called murex to make a purple dye.
15. Phoenician sculptors often used ivory, highly prized in the ancient world, which was imported from North and East Africa.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Post #1- An Introduction

There are many things I am interested in. Some of those things include lacrosse, art, and college. Things that take up my spare time are eating, playing sports, and being involved in several clubs. I am unique in that I listen to opera. I am taking Western Civilization because I want to learn about different cultures from the past. I am intrigued by that topic because I wonder what people were like in the past. Three things I hope to learn are how people acted in the past, how people communicated, and what people cared about.