Thursday, February 24, 2011

Post #7: My Code

POST 7 - Write your own code in the style of Hammurabi for Northern HS.  Must include at least 12 laws.

1. Any student caught cheating will have their papers ripped up.
2. Any student caught bullying will have the bullying they did inflicted on themselves.
3. Any student caught stealing from the cafeteria will have to eat off the floor for 2 weeks.
4. Any student caught lying will have to right out their lie on a chaldboard 1,000 times.
5. Any student caught stealing from another student will have to return the stolen item and be that studen'ts slave for a week.
6. Any student caught cutting class will have to clean the entire school.
7. Any teacher caught having innapropriate relations with a student will be shunned from the school and have to live on their own in a desert.
8. Any innapropriate language used by a student will result in that student having to read the dictionary.
9. Any use of weapons in the school will result in the person bringing the weapon in to use the weapon on themselves.
10. Any innapropriate use of the school's supplies will result in the person having to buy 10 of whatever was used.
11. Student who are mean will be stoned.
12. Teachers who are boring will be stoned.

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