Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Roman Post III

My Life: My community is not centered around one specific city, nor do all roads lead to one city. Towns may have common or similar layouts today, but each town is not designed and planned in exactly the same way. The world we live in today is not nearly as violent as Rome was, nor do we have slaves or gladiators. My life is also not as military based as life in Rome was. Today people also have the ability to move up in social classes, while in ancient Rome it was not possible.

Roman Life:
The Romans were known for their army, architecture, and government.
Based on strict organization and centralized control, the empire was connected by a huge network of roads with the city of Rome in the center. Each town was planned in exactly the same way including a system of streets, running water, and sewers. The forum at the center of town was surrounded by shops, temples, and government buildings. A strong army defended and expanded the empire. The soldiers belonged to legions of about 5,000 people. They were highly trained and well-equipped with armor, shields, spears, and swords.

Similarities: The Romans had many festivals and rituals for events such a childbirth, marriage, and funerals. Like Greek culture, Roman culture was known for its mythology. The Romans enjoyed food, baths, and all kinds of entertainment. Public games such as chariot races were held in amphitheaters, while chariot races were held in circuses - - a Latin name for a racetrack or speedway. I also celebrate and attend events for births, marriages, and funerals. People today still enjoy be entertained and doing things such as going out for dinner. A well-organized civil service system governed the people of Rome. Today, we also have a set organization of poeple that govern us. The Romans were an extremeley innovative people and created and advanced many things such as roads, bridges, engineering, math, and medicine. Likewise, the world we live in today is constantly creating new inventions and cures for diseases.

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